French Baby Boy Names
If you are having a baby boy and are looking for a name of French origen, but don't know which one to choose. You can check this list that are sure to inspire you.
Acelin |
Alain |
Algernon |
Ames |
Amor |
Andre |
Ansel |
Antoine |
Armand |
Arnett |
Austin |
Avenall |
Bachelor |
Banner |
Barber |
Bayard |
Bayless |
Beal |
Beau |
Beauchamp |
Beaufort |
Beaumont |
Beauregard |
Bedell |
Belden |
Bellamy |
Belmont |
Berger |
Bertrand |
Bevis |
Bonamy |
Bonar |
Boyce |
Bray |
Bruce |
Bunyan |
Burgess |
Burke |
Burl |
Burnell |
Burnet |
Cable |
Cabot |
Cade |
Calvin |
Canning |
Cannon |
Capp |
Cardell |
Carvell |
Case |
Chalmers |
Chancellor |
Chandler |
Chaney |
Channing |
Chantrey |
Chase |
Chevalier |
Chevron |
Chevy |
Cheyne |
Christmas |
Cloy |
Cockrell |
Cole |
Colville |
Corbett |
Cordell |
Cornell |
Coty |
Coyan |
Curtis |
Dabney |
Dace |
Danton |
Darcel |
Darrel |
Dartagnan |
Darvell |
Davenport |
Dax |
Debonair |
Del |
Delaney |
Delano |
Delroy |
Denis |
Denver |
Destin |
Destry |
Deverell |
Devereux |
Didier |
Dorsey |
Drury |
Dumont |
Dureau |
Duvall |
Elroy |
Esme |
Etienne |
Evo |
Fabron |
Ferrand |
Fitz |
Fitzroy |
Florent |
Fontaine |
Forest |
Fortune |
Franchot |
Gable |
Gage |
Garland |
Garnett |
Gaston |
Gaylord |
Gilbert |
Gillett |
Glanville |
Granger |
Granville |
Greville |
Grosvenor |
Guerrant |
Harcourt |
Harman |
Harvey |
Hazard |
Helmut |
Hewett |
Hyacinthe |
Ivo |
Jacques |
Jardine |
Jarvis |
Jerard |
Jon |
Jules |
Kurtis |
Lacrosse |
Lacy |
Lafayette |
Lance |
Lancelot |
Lanier |
Laramie |
Larrimore |
Lasalle |
Lebrun |
Leggett |
Leron |
Leroux |
Leroy |
Levant |
Lisle |
Lowell |
Lyle |
Lyon |
Macy |
Mallory |
Manville |
Marc |
Marcel |
March |
Marmion |
Marquis |
Marshall |
Maslin |
Max |
Melville |
Merle |
Miguel |
Montague |
Montaine |
Montgomery |
Morell |
Mortimer |
Narcisse |
Neville |
Noel |
Norris |
Norville |
Orville |
Page |
Parrish |
Percival |
Peverell |
Pierre |
Plantagenet |
Platt |
Pomeroy |
Porter |
Porthos |
Prewitt |
Price |
Purvis |
Quennell |
Quincy |
Ranger |
Raoul |
Rawlins |
Remy |
Rene |
Richmond |
Rives |
Rodel |
Rodeo |
Rousseau |
Rushkin |
Russell |
Saber |
Sable |
Sacheverell |
Sargent |
Saville |
Scout |
Seeley |
Senior |
Sennett |
Sorrell |
Taft |
Taylor |
Telford |
Tempest |
Thierry |
Thoreau |
Toussaint |
Travis |
Tremont |
Tyson |
Umber |
Vachel |
Vardon |
Verdell |
Vere |
Vermont |
Vernon |
Verrier |
Villiers |
Wallace |
Warren |
Yves |
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