25 Baby Gender Reveal Ideas You Will Love
Time to read 7 min
Time to read 7 min
Gender reveals are a trend among parents-to-be as a fun way to announce if a couple is having a boy or girl.
We have put together a list of 35 fantastic ways to announce your baby’s gender to loved ones. So read on to discover creative ways to make your big announcement!
A gender reveal party is a gathering held during which parents-to-be reveal the gender of their little one. In some cases, parents already know the gender, and the surprise is for their family or friends. In other situations, the parents are finding out the big news alongside their guests.
This is probably the most common gender reveal. Purchase a sizable black balloon and have it filled with blue or pink confetti. Then, pop the balloon, and voila!
Confetti poppers are a simple and easy reveal idea. You can purchase them online or at party stores filled with either pink or blue confetti. Pass them around to your guests, and everyone releases it simultaneously on the count of three.
A gender reveal piñata is a fun new trend. There are pink and blue question mark-shaped piñatas, baby carriages, bottles, stars, etc. All you need to do is stuff it with the appropriate color confetti and treats!
Decorate a large gender reveal box with question marks and the words “boy or girl.” Next, fill the box with pink or blue balloons, and then when you are ready for the reveal, open the box in front of your guests.
If you need a social media-friendly reveal idea, consider a photoshoot. Have mom wear a white t-shirt and then allow the other parent and siblings to paint the t-shirt either blue or pink.
Silly string is a fun (but messy!) gender reveal idea. Purchase the appropriate color silly string and pass them out to selected guests. Then, have the guests spray you and your partner to reveal if you’re having a baby boy or girl.
You can make non-toxic DIY-colored powder with flour and food coloring. The powder can be divided out into cups that your guests all throw in the air together. Do not use flour near open flames, and avoid getting it into your eyes.
Purchase gender reveal smoke bombs or smoke cannons and set them off outside in a large, open space. Use caution when using these devices, and always read all of the instructions prior to using them.
One cute way to do your gender reveal is by opening a box filled with colored bowties or onesies. This method is also practical because you end up with a cute keepsake.
There are so many fun ideas when it comes to using paint. You could paint yur belly, shoot paintballs at a wall, pop a balloon with paint inside, or have cans of paint you toss at a canvas or white bedsheet. One unique idea is having the parents stand under a transparent umbrella while guests pour paint on top; messy but fun!
Dozens of old wives’ tales exist surrounding pregnancy and gender. Before you discover the gender of your baby, carry out party games based on old wive’s tales and have people make predictions.
Do you and your partner share a passion for Star Wars or all things Disney? One truly creative gender reveal idea is to turn on a pink or blue lightsaber! Perhaps you could open a box filled with baby Mickey or Minnie toys and clothing. If you’re a fan of the Oscars, consider theming the party around the red carpet and present the gender reveal as if you’re announcing the best picture.
Gender reveal cakes and cupcakes are a common theme. You could also purchase pink or blue M&Ms and seal them in little baggies and have all your guests open them simultaneously.
For sports lovers, you can purchase sports balls of just about any type filled with pink or blue powder. You hit or throw the ball to break it open, revealing the color. Popping paint-filled balloons with darts is another popular choice.
If your reveal falls around a holiday, lightning up a string of pink or blue lights, an egg hunt, or pink or blue sparklers might be the perfect way to make the big announcement.
You can purchase burnout powder that you drive over to create a cloud of pink or blue dust. For the car lover, what a fun way to announce the gender of your new baby!
Depending on restrictions, you might be able to invite the whole family to the exam room to hear the announcement together. You could also stream the appointment live via social media.
If the weather is warm enough and you have a safe way to create a fire, you can add specific chemicals to make the smoke turn blue or pink. You should only do a bonfire in a controlled setting and on a small scale. Bonfires have begun forest fires from gender reveals gone awry.
You can purchase premade scratch-off cards similar to lotto cards that your guests can scratch off. Scratch-off cards are an excellent option for people who cannot attend the reveal party because they are easy to mail and allow long-distance guests to partake in the festivities.
If you have older children, include them in the fun. They could hold up a sign for a photo or pop a confetti cannon.
One of the more unique gender reveal ideas is the escape room concept! Make your gender reveal party theme a “beat the bomb” mission. The Beat the Bomb company is located in Brooklyn, NY, but they offer a virtual option too!
Use black, paint-filled balloons attached to a large wooden board and throw darts. When the balloon explodes to reveal pink or blue paint, you’ll know if it’s a boy or a girl!
Play a simple guessing game. Get creative by using a cute printed paper for guests to cast their vote on and place in a ballot box or use stickers guests place on a T-chart marked “Boy” and “Girl.” Once everyone has voted, make your announcement.
One of the best gender reveal games for suspense is the multiple balloon pop. Have several gender reveal balloons filled with both pink and blue confetti. Once you’ve popped three of the same color balloons, you’ll know what you’re having!
Fill one balloon with either blue or pink paint and the rest with white. Pop as many balloons as needed before you find the one with colored paint inside.
As you can see, there are numerous fun and creative ways to make your big pregnancy announcement. Of course, many of these games will require a trusted third party to ensure the surprise isn’t spoiled for the parents; however, many party shops and bakeries are accustomed to these types of requests and are happy to help!
Add gender reveal party decorations, cake toppers, centerpieces, banners, streamers, and more to enhance your party.
With so many creative ideas available, it is easy to find the perfect way to share your exciting news in a style of your own!
It is customary to hold your gender reveal party sometime during the second trimester. Most parents find out around week 20 what their baby’s gender is during a routine ultrasound. Since timing is predictable across most pregnancies, couples often begin planning their reveals in their first trimester to hold around week 22 or beyond. You can iron out last-minute details after the 20-week ultrasound.
If you do not want to know the gender before the party, ask the technician to write it down and place it in a sealed envelope. Pass the envelope on to a family member or friend you trust not to spoil the surprise or to the employee at the party shop or bakery assisting your planning.
Gifts are typically not given at a reveal party since it’s not a baby shower. However, if you attend one and want to surprise the parents, consider purchasing gender-neutral items, gift cards, or general baby supplies such as diapers and toiletries. You could also get a group of friends and family together to purchase neutral pieces of furniture like an ottoman or glider.