pregnancy butt pain

How to Deal with Butt Pain during Pregnancy

Written by: Gabriela Alvarado



Time to read 7 min

Butt pain is not something you’d expect to experience during pregnancy. However, it’s a common and often uncomfortable symptom that can affect many pregnant women. Regardless of its cause, it can make everyday activities such as sitting, walking, or sleeping more difficult. Fortunately, there are ways to cope with this unpleasant sensation and find some relief.

Keep reading to learn the best home remedies for butt pain in pregnant women.

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Home Remedies to Ease Butt Pain During Pregnancy

Butt pain is a common complaint among pregnant women. It can affect your daily activities, your sleep quality, and your mood. Fortunately, there are some home remedies that can be applied for buttock pain relief . These are some of them:

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Sitting Position

One of the simplest ways to ease butt pain during pregnancy is to improve your sitting posture. Sitting for long periods of time can end up causing you more pain because you’re putting more pressure on your buttock area. You should avoid slouching, crossing your legs, or leaning to one side. Instead, you should sit upright, with your hips and knees at a 90-degree angle, and your feet flat on the floor.

Deal with Butt Pain

A great option to prevent and relieve butt pain during pregnancy is to sit in a glider. The gentle gliding motion and the ability to elevate your feet on a footrest can provide relief from the added pressure and strain that pregnancy can place on your lower back and pelvic area. The ergonomic design and customizable features of the Nurture& Glider can make for a more comfortable sitting experience, making it a great choice for expectant mothers.

Stay Active

It may seem counterintuitive, but staying active can also help reduce butt pain during pregnancy. Exercise can improve blood circulation, strengthen pelvic muscles, and release endorphins , which are natural painkillers. However, you should be careful not to overdo it or engage in activities that may worsen your pain, such as lifting heavy objects or high-impact exercises.

Instead, opt for low-impact exercises such as walking, cycling or yoga. These can help stretch and relax your muscles, as well as improve your posture and balance.

You can also do  specific stretches  that target your buttocks; some examples are:

Over-the-counter Medicine

Home remedies may not always be enough to ease butt pain. In some cases it can be useful to take some over-the-counter pain medication to achieve pain relief. Some common pain relievers are usually safe for pregnant women, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol). However, you should always consult with your OB/GYN or primary healthcare provider and follow dosage instructions carefully before taking any over-the-counter medication.

Hot and Cold Therapy

This involves applying heat and cold to the painful area to reduce inflammation, relax your muscles, and numb pain . You can use a heating pad, a warm bath, a cold pack or a bag of ice for this purpose. Be careful not to apply too much heat or cold, as this can damage your skin or cause burns and frostbite.


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of energy and restore balance. Acupuncture can help ease butt pain as well as other pregnancy-related issues, such as nausea, insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

This technique is generally considered safe for pregnant women, as long as it’s performed by a qualified and experienced practitioner. However, you should avoid acupuncture if you have a bleeding disorder, a pacemaker or a skin infection.

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Causes of Butt Pain during Pregnancy

Butt and low back pain affect pregnant women especially in their second and third trimesters. Butt pain can have different causes: some are a normal and expected part of pregnancy, while others may indicate a problem that needs medical attention. The most common causes of butt pain in pregnant women are:


Sciatica is a condition that occurs when the sciatic nerve , which runs from the lower back to the legs, is compressed or irritated. This can cause sharp pain or shooting pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in the buttocks, hips, tights and feet. Lots of pregnant women experience sciatica pain because the expanding uterus can put extra pressure on the nerve, or the baby’s head can press against it during delivery.

Even though the burning sensation of sciatic pain can be bothersome, it can be managed by home remedies, and it usually goes away after childbirth . However, you should always tell your gynecologist when you start feeling this type of pain.


Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum that can cause pain, itching, bleeding, or discomfort. These are common during pregnancy because the increased blood volume and the extra weight of the uterus can make the veins more prone to swelling. They can also be caused by constipation, which is another common issue during pregnancy.

Hemorrhoids can be prevented or treated by:

  • Drinking plenty of water

  • Eating high-fiber foods

  • Avoid straining or sitting for too long

  • Applying ointments or creams.

  • Using stool softeners

  • Some severe, complicated cases may need surgery.


One type of contractions that are common and harmless are Braxton-Hicks contractions , also known as false labor contractions. They’re irregular, mild and short-lived, and they usually stop when you change your position, drink water or rest. These contractions can start as early as the second trimester, and they can become more frequent and intense as pregnancy progresses.

Another type of contractions that are more serious and require medical attention are true labor contractions . These are the ones that signal that labor is beginning or that the cervix is dilating. These are regular, strong and long-lasting, and they don’t stop or ease up with movement, hydration or rest.

You should call your doctor or go to the hospital if you have contractions that are less than 10 minutes apart, or if you have other signs of labor, such as water breaking, bleeding or feeling that your baby’s movements have decreased.

Pelvic Girdle Pain

Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) is a term that refers to pain in the joints and ligaments that support the pelvis. It can affect the front, back or sides of the pelvis, and it can radiate to the buttocks, thighs or groin. The weight of the baby in the uterus can put stress on the pelvis, or the baby’s position can affect its alignment. It can also be caused by hormonal changes that make the ligaments more lax and flexible to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal.

You can manage PGP by

  • Wearing a pelvic support belt

  • Doing pelvic floor exercises

  • Avoiding activities that worsen the pain

  • Getting physiotherapy or chiropractic care.

Hormonal Changes

During pregnancy, the levels of hormones like estrogen, progesterone, relaxin or oxytocin fluctuate to support the development of the baby and the body’s preparation for labor and breastfeeding.

One of the hormones that can cause butt pain during pregnancy is relaxin , which helps the uterus grow and the cervix soften. It also loosens the ligaments that connect the pelvic bones to allow labor. However, it can also cause instability and inflammation of the pelvis and lead to pain or discomfort in the buttocks, hips or lower back.

How Is Butt Pain in Pregnancy Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of butt pain in pregnancy depends on the location, intensity and frequency of the pain, as well as the presence of other signs and symptoms. Your doctor may ask you about your medical history, pregnancy symptoms, current medications and lifestyle habits.

Your doctor may also perform a physical examination, which could include checking your blood pressure, pulse, temperature, abdomen, pelvis, anus, and legs, as well as order some tests like blood and urine tests or ultrasound imaging to rule out any complications.

When to Call a Doctor?

You should always consult a doctor if you have severe, persistent or unusual butt pain, or if you have any other symptoms that may indicate a complication. Some of the situations that require urgent medical attention are:

  • Your butt pain is accompanied by fever, chills, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. This may indicate an infection or inflammation in your pelvic organs, such as appendicitis, diverticulitis or pelvic inflammatory disease.

  • If, along with butt pain, you experience bleeding, discharge or foul-smelling odor from your vagina, this could indicate a problem with your placenta or a vaginal infection.

  • Experiencing water breaking, decreased fetal movement or regular and strong contractions. This may indicate that you’re in labor.

  • Your butt pain turns into numbness, weakness or loss of sensation in your legs, feet or genitals. This may be due to nerve compression or damage.

  • You start to have swelling, redness or warmth in your legs, which may be a sign of a blood clot.

Butt pain isn’t necessarily a part of pregnancy, and it can be prevented or treated with various home remedies or medical interventions. Pregnancy-related butt pain usually goes away or improves after childbirth, so it shouldn't get in the way of you enjoying your time with your newborn baby.

The Glider is your great ally in relieving butt pain. Elevating your feet on the footrest can provide relief from the added pressure that pregnancy can put on your lower back and pelvis. Check out our online store and enjoy your pregnancy journey with us!

L. Elizabeth Forry

Medically reviewed: Gabriela Alvarado

Medical surgeon with certifications from Imperial College London and Johns Hopkins University. Committed to medical excellence, she has conducted several academic research projects that have contributed to the advancement of the field.

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