12 Things to Do Before Your Baby Arrives
Time to read 12 min
Time to read 12 min
As your due date approaches, preparing for your baby’s arrival plays a major role in creating a smooth labor, delivery, and postpartum experience. But where do you start when there’s so much to do? You’ll feel confident and at ease when you follow our to-do list and check all the boxes before your baby arrives.
The birth of your baby is a big change for you and everyone in your household. The excitement of the third trimester of pregnancy is usually matched with hectic days of getting things ready. Prep and planning before welcoming your little one will make the first few weeks postpartum less stressful.
Add these things to your to-do list:
Keep it simple. You won’t need every piece of baby gear the first day you come home with your little one. Get prepared with the basic baby items you’ll use every day.
Once you’ve established new routines in your parenting lifestyle and gotten a better sense of your little one’s unique needs, you’ll have a better sense of what other baby products would be useful.
Stock up on the essentials for your newborn baby like …
Quick and easy meals will be your go-to for at least the first couple of weeks after you bring your baby home. Prepare slow-cooker freezer meals, casseroles you can pop in the oven, or leftovers in smaller portions you can quickly reheat later.
Remember, meal prep isn’t just for dinner. Put together some breakfast burritos with your favorite fillings and keep a stash of no-bake lactation cookies in the fridge for an anytime snack.
It’s a good idea to have your hospital bag ready a month ahead of your due date. Babies come on their own time, so keep everything you’ll need during your hospital stay all in one bag.
You might need …
Check out our complete hospital bag checklist to make sure you don’t forget anything.
You may have purchased the car seat months ago, but now is the time to take it out of the box and set it up before you go into labor. Read the instructions to install the base of the infant seat in your car correctly—this isn’t something you want to do for the first time as you’re rushing out the door.
Before you use them for the first time, breast pump parts and baby bottles need to be cleaned and sterilized. You can sterilize baby feeding supplies in a large pot of boiling water, or put your pump parts and bottles in the dishwasher or bottle sterilizer for steam cleaning. Always read the maintenance instructions for proper care of your particular brand of breast pump and bottles.
Children of any age may have trouble adjusting to life with a new baby in the house. You can ease into this transition by talking about it often, spending quality time with your older children, involving them in setting up the nursery, and offering love and understanding throughout the change.
Your pets may have some adjusting to do, too. Introduce your cat or dog to baby items in the nursery as early as possible to temper some of their curiosity when you bring a new family member home.
For second-time parents, this is a new aspect of preparing for your baby’s arrival. Discuss childcare with your family or friends who can keep your older child while you’re in the hospital. Prepare your helpers by discussing possible scenarios like if you go into labor in the middle of the night or stay in the hospital for multiple days.
In the immediate days and weeks after giving birth, your main focus should be bonding with your baby and allowing your body to recover. You should apply ahead of time for maternity leave if necessary and your partner might schedule family leave or vacation days around the same time to ensure as much time at home as possible. Schedule optional appointments and outings well before your due date, or prepare to put them off until much later.
Don’t let running out of toilet paper interrupt your rest and healing time at home. In the last months of pregnancy, start buying extras of things you use every day to avoid trips to the store with your newborn baby.
Make sure you have plenty of …
When something comes up that you realize you forgot, lean on your supportive family and friends to stop at the store for you.
As a new mom coming home from the hospital, you now have to care for a newborn baby and yourself. Prepare postpartum supplies to help you manage pain, breast changes, and postpartum bleeding. Whether you give birth vaginally or via c-section, you’ll need plenty of pads on hand for postpartum bleeding.
Consider keeping these things in your bathroom:
Family and friends are often eager to visit after the birth of a new baby. Some parents love to have visitors right away in the hospital and some prefer to wait days or weeks before introducing their little one to others.
Whatever you are comfortable with is okay, and it’s helpful to have a conversation with your loved ones ahead of time so everyone understands your wishes. If you change your mind when the time comes, just make a phone call to let them know there’s been a change of plans.
Wherever you plan to give birth, there is likely paperwork to do. Call ahead to see if you can pre-register and avoid filling out forms while you’re in labor. This is also a great time to schedule a tour, attend any birthing classes they offer, and address your questions or concerns about the big day.
Much of the work to prepare for your baby’s arrival comes at the end of your pregnancy, but there is plenty you can do in your first and second trimesters. Getting some big things done earlier in your pregnancy can make the later decisions less stressful.
This is a task that may take your entire pregnancy to accomplish! Luckily, it’s one of the most fun things you get to do before your baby arrives. Even in the first trimester, expectant parents can discuss baby names together and make lists of possible names for a baby boy or a baby girl.
Decide early on where your baby’s room will be. You may need to clear out an office or update a guest room to make space for your little one. Give yourself plenty of time to work on your nursery design so you won’t have to rush to put it together at the last minute.
Remember to complete the room with these nursery essentials:
Birth doesn’t always go according to plan, but it’s helpful to have a guideline. Outlining a birth plan will give your care team and support people a cheat sheet of your ideal birthing experience. You can include things like whether you want an epidural, who you want in the delivery room with you, and your preferences for newborn and postpartum care.
Even before you find out that you’re pregnant you can prepare your body. If you’re trying to conceive or suspect that you might be pregnant, you can make health and wellness choices that support your body and baby through a healthy pregnancy.
Make it a priority to …
Some of the best advice you’ll find when choosing a pediatrician or family doctor comes from other moms and dads who live nearby. If you’re new to the area, scout some healthcare providers online and request to meet with them before your baby is born to compare their values and policies with your expectations as a patient. Once your baby is born, you still have the option to switch to a new doctor if you change your mind.
The work of baby planning plus pregnancy fatigue equals a mama who needs some relaxation. Make sure to take time for yourself during your pregnancy and do things that are physically and emotionally refreshing .
Catch up with friends over food and mocktails, or whatever you enjoy doing together! After your baby is born it can be harder to spend time with friends, so take the opportunity now.
A fresh haircut or manicured nails can leave you feeling your best. Schedule a prenatal massage—or two—to melt away your pregnancy aches and pains.
Your newborn baby will require most of your attention, so take time now to put your older children first. Going out for a meal or activity just the two of you is a great way to let your child know how much you love them and how important they are to you even in the midst of preparing for the new baby’s upcoming arrival.
Keep the bond with your significant other strong by spending some fun time together before the birth of your baby. Preparing your home and life for a new baby can be stressful for both of you. Do fun things during your pregnancy that you might not get the chance to do with a newborn at home.
A babymoon is a vacation expectant parents plan before the birth of their baby. The goal is for couples to have fun and bond before entering the trenches of new parent life. Your babymoon can be simple and local or lavish and far from home.
Check some things off your list that you’ve been wanting to get done. Spruce up the flower beds, hang new shelves in the home office, or paint the kitchen cabinets a new color. Completing home projects is a great way to spend time together and even the small tasks will probably be put off until much later once your baby arrives.
The only thing better than a prenatal massage is a couples massage. You and your husband or partner can benefit from releasing tension with a relaxing massage. Make a day of it and cancel any other plans or distractions.
Always check with your ob-gyn before starting a new workout routine during pregnancy, but it’s usually safe to continue your pre-pregnancy activity level as long as you’re comfortable. Synchronize your gym time with your spouse or go on evening walks together as you share the details of your day.
Attending a show with live music is a fun distraction from the work of preparing for your baby. Score tickets to a concert with music you both like and enjoy a night out.
Make weekly or monthly date nights with your partner a habit during your pregnancy. The upcoming responsibilities of parenting can be consuming, but it’s important to make time to focus on your relationship with your significant other. Use date nights to reconnect after a long week and enjoy the things you love about each other outside of parenting .
Whether it’s pillow talk of the far-off future or making lists of things you want to achieve this year, discuss your dreams for your family’s future together. It’s fun to imagine where you’ll be as time passes and keeps you and your partner on the same page when you’re working to accomplish your goals.
Right now! You can start planning for your new baby before you’re even pregnant. Prepare your body with prenatal vitamins while trying to conceive. Write a list of baby names in your first trimester. Start buying baby clothes in your second trimester. Discuss a birth plan with your doctor during your third trimester.
No matter where you are in pregnancy, you can start preparing for your baby’s arrival. The more you get done ahead of time, the more at ease you’ll feel as you approach your due date.
The nursery furniture you choose is essential to the flow and function of the room. Start with a glider or rocking chair, a dresser with a changing topper, a crib, and a bookshelf for storage. Nurture& offers premium nursery furniture designed to make new parents’ lives easier.
The last two weeks before your due date are crunch time. Labor could start any time during the last two weeks of pregnancy, so be prepared. Pack your hospital bag, test out your car seat and other baby gear, and finalize childcare arrangements with trusted family or friends. And don’t forget to rest!
At the end of your second trimester or the beginning of the third, start preparing physically and mentally for labor and delivery. Take childbirth and breastfeeding classes, create and discuss a birth plan with your ob-gyn, and stretch and move your body daily.
Pack anything you’ll need during labor and your first day or two postpartum. Check with your hospital or birthing center first to see if they provide anything for postpartum and newborn care. If they do, you’ll have less to pack.
Your hospital bag might include your ID and registration paperwork, a copy of your birth plan, a change of clothes, your baby’s coming home outfit, newborn diapers, wipes, nursing bras, toiletries, and postpartum pads and underwear.
Check out Nurture&’s online store before your baby arrives! You can find more advice for pregnancy and life as a new parent in our Journal.