Future parents holding ultrasound

When to Announce Your Pregnancy

Written by: L. Elizabeth Forry



Time to read 7 min

The moment a pregnancy test reveals you are pregnant, you may feel the need to shout it from the rooftops! Seeing that positive pregnancy test is genuinely thrilling.

While ultimately it is up to the parents to decide when to share the happy news with family members and friends, there are some things to consider first.

In this article, we gathered some professional medical advice to help you make an informed decision on when to announce your pregnancy.

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When Should You Announce Your Pregnancy?

Anyone who has access to social media has likely seen their fair share of pregnancy announcements throughout the years. Some couples announce the big news a few weeks into their pregnancy, while others may not make a peep online until their third trimester. And it’s not only just social media people have to consider, but also when and how to tell close family members and friends.

Announcing At 6 Weeks

At 6 weeks, you probably just discovered you are pregnant and may not be ready to make any announcements; you may not have even told your partner yet. Since pregnancy officially begins on the start date of your last menstrual period, most people won’t have a positive result until week four of their pregnancy.

It’s also possible that your doctor won’t schedule an appointment until at least week eight because of the risk of miscarriage before week twelve, unless you qualify as a high-risk pregnancy. According to March of Dimes, most miscarriages occur before the 12-week mark, and 10-15% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.

However, there may be some reasons you need to reveal your news early in the first trimester. In this article you can learn about some of the most common symptoms in early pregnancy, including morning sickness, fatigue, and frequent urination.

Depending on the severity of your symptoms or your work situation, for example, if you are a teacher who will need extra bathroom visits, you may feel it is necessary to clue some close friends or coworkers into what is happening.

Another reason to consider an early announcement is if you will need a strong support network. For example, first-time moms, single parents, high-risk pregnancies, or partners of deployed spouses may need to line up their support team early on to ensure they have the help they need.

Reasons to Announce at 6 Weeks

  • Severe morning sickness, frequent urination, or fatigue which may impact your job.

  • You’ve had your first prenatal wellness check-up.

  • You require a strong support network.

Announcing At 12 Weeks

At the end of week twelve, you are about to cross into the second trimester, the point at which most medical professionals say it’s safe to make your announcement. After week twelve, the risk of miscarriage drops from 10-15% to only 1-5%.

Additionally, after week ten, pregnant women are eligible to have noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) done. NIPT is a prenatal test that detects specific genetic abnormalities via a blood sample. The primary condition it looks for is Down syndrome. If you have a family history of chromosomal disorders or are over the age of thirty-five, you may wish to have this test completed before your announcement.

By the end of the first trimester, you will have had a few prenatal visits, heard your baby’s heartbeat, had plenty of time for the news to settle in, and are aware of any early pregnancy complications that could pop up. Thus, the general consensus is that most people wait until weeks 13 or 14 to publicize their big announcement, although you’ve likely told a few loved ones by this point.

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Reasons to Announce at 12-Weeks

  • The rate of miscarriage has dropped to 1-5%.

  • You’ve heard your baby’s heartbeat.

  • You can wait for your NIPT results.

  • It is the most common time people make their announcement

In which case wait a little longer to announce the pregnancy?

Despite your excitement, there may be some situations when you should wait to make your announcement. One of the biggest reasons some couples wait to share their news is if they have experienced a previous pregnancy loss or struggled with infertility.

Couples who have experienced these unfortunate events may feel timid about making a big announcement in case something should go wrong.

Miscarrying is much more common than most people realize,but is difficult for many couples to talk about. If you are expecting a new baby after a miscarriage, it may feel safer to keep the news to yourself until you are firmly into the second trimester.

The risk of miscarriage and congenital disabilities also increases with age. Some couples decide to terminate a pregnancy if severe congenital disabilities are discovered through amniocentesis, performed between weeks sixteen to eighteen.

Amniocentesis is a procedure that is typically recommended for women over 35 or those whose families have a history of congenital defects or abnormalities.

A final reason a person may delay a pregnancy announcement is fear of workplace discrimination. Even though pregnancy discrimination is illegal, it still happens and is more common than you may think!

Some people fear they’ll miss out on promotions, projects, or other opportunities if their boss discovers their pregnancy.

Reasons to Delay Your Pregnancy Announcement

  • You’ve experienced a miscarriage before

  • You’re over the age of 35

  • You experienced fertility issues or are using fertility support like IVF

  • You have a family history of congenital disabilities

  • You are worried about pregnancy discrimination

  • You are carrying multiples

  • You suffer from underlying health conditions that make your pregnancy high risk

The Dos and Don’ts of Pregnancy Announcements


  • Tell your partner first. As much as you may want to call your mom or your best friend, your partner should be the first to know.

  • Tell your family and friends. Next on the list should be you and your partner’s parents, and probably your siblings and close friends. If you tell those close to you first, let them know how many weeks of pregnancy you wish to pass before they tell anyone else.

  • Do it when you are ready. It is a personal decision when and how to announce your pregnancy. You may have announced your first pregnancy at Week 10, but now with your second pregnancy, you are older and wish to be more cautious. There is no wrong or right answer.

  • Be aware and considerate of family members or friends struggling with infertility. While those who love you will be genuinely happy for you, if a close friend or family member has been struggling with infertility, it may be difficult to muster excitement when they first hear your pregnancy news.

  • Schedule an OB/GYN appointment and find out your due date. The first question most people will ask you is, “When are you due?” so it may be wise to have scheduled that first appointment, so you are ready with the information! You will also need to know your due date before planning your maternity leave and arranging childcare.

  • Do it your way. Pop onto any search engine and type pregnancy announcement ideas, and you’ll be flooded with creative ways to make your announcement. Find one that works for you. For example, some people do a simple photo of the ultrasound pic, while others use older siblings, baby onesies, or other props.


  • Don’t post it on social media before telling those closest to you. Making a big Facebook announcement before calling your mom is probably not going to be taken well. Instead, give the people closest to you the heads-up as a way of showing love and respect.

  • Don’t let anyone pressure you into announcing before you’re ready. Just because your mom wants to tell her best friend or your sister wants to announce she will be an aunt doesn’t mean you should feel pressured to announce. If you know you have family members who will want to blast the news, it might be best if you wait to tell them too.

  • Don’t steal someone else’s thunder. Your brother’s engagement party or your cousin’s graduation is not the time to make your announcement. On the other hand, if you’ve just found out and your mom is wondering why you’re not having a drink, just say you’re getting over a bug or are on medication that makes you tired. Most people won’t give it a second thought.

  • Don’t miss out on an opportunity to make a memory. A pregnancy announcement can be a fun and unique way to create a photo or other memorable keepsake.

  • Don’t be offensive or insensitive. This one probably goes without saying, but don’t post your announcement in a way that may offend or hurt someone else’s feelings. Know your audience if you are planning to make the announcement in a fun or silly way.

  • Don’t tell your co-workers before your boss. Except for a close co-worker who might be worried about your health when you keep running to the bathroom, your boss should know before your co-workers.

No matter when you decide to make your special announcement, Nurture& can help you prepare for this exciting time in your life. Our beautiful and comfortable pieces are ideal for your nursery, home, and growing family.

L. Elizabeth Forry

Medically reviewed: Gabriela Alvarado

Medical surgeon with certifications from Imperial College London and Johns Hopkins University. Committed to medical excellence, she has conducted several academic research projects that have contributed to the advancement of the field.

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