What Causes Eye Twitching during Pregnancy?
Time to read 7 min
Time to read 7 min
Eye twitching during pregnancy is a common yet often ignored symptom. This involuntary movement can be a source of annoyance for expectant moms. While it’s usually harmless, understanding the causes and potential remedies for eye twitching can provide you with peace of mind and comfort.
Keep reading to learn more about the reasons behind eye twitching in pregnant women and get practical advice on how to manage this condition.
Eye twitching is a common phenomenon that involves an unpredictable, repeated muscle contraction that follows an involuntary spasm of the eyelid muscle. These spasms, also called blepharospasms, can affect both the upper and lower eyelids and may repeat every few seconds. The duration of these episodes can vary widely, from a few minutes to several days or more.
During pregnancy, the body undergoes a wide range of changes, and eye twitching can be one of them. Even though it’s not usually a cause for concern, persistent or severe eye twitching should be evaluated by an eye doctor. Here are some signs of eye twitching during pregnancy:
Uncontrolled blinking: This is the most noticeable sign of eye twitching. It can range from a slight eyelid twitch to forceful blinking that’s difficult to control. This involuntary action is the result of muscle spasms and can be distracting or temporarily affect your vision.
Blurred vision: Occasionally, the twitching can be strong enough to cause temporary blurry vision. This is due to the rapid movement of the eyelid disturbing the eye’s normal function and focus.
Dryness and tiredness of the eyes: The constant twitching can lead to a sensation of dry eyes and eye strain. This happens because the eye spasms can interfere with the normal blinking process, which is essential for lubricating the eyes.
Eye irritation: Along with dryness, the eyes may feel irritable or uncomfortable. This irritation can be worsened by factors such as screen time, reading, or other activities that strain the eyes.
Light sensitivity: Eye twitching can sometimes be accompanied by photophobia, or sensitivity to light. Bright lights can trigger or worsen the twitching, causing discomfort and a need to shield the eyes.
It’s important to note that while these eye symptoms can be bothersome, they typically aren’t a serious problem, and go away over time.
However, if they persist and are accompanied by other symptoms, you should consult with a healthcare provider. Remember that maintaining eye health is a very important part of prenatal care.
Even though eye twitching is a common eye condition during pregnancy, it can often be unexpected if you don’t know what’s causing it. Some of the most common causes of this phenomenon are:
Pregnancy can be a stressful time as you navigate the physical, emotional and hormonal changes of this period. Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system, which can lead to muscle twitching.
The muscles around the eyes are particularly susceptible to stress-induced twitches, as they’re sensitive and easily influenced by stress hormones.
The demands of growing a new life can drain energy reserves, leading to fatigue. When the body is tired, the nervous system may act erratically, causing involuntary muscle spasms. Lack of sleep is pretty common during pregnancy, which can make this issue worse.
A pregnant woman’s body requires increased amounts of certain nutrients, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and various vitamins. If these needs aren’t met, this can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies that could cause muscle cramps and twitches.
While moderate caffeine intake is generally considered safe during pregnancy, excessive consumption can lead to jitteriness and muscle twitching.
The stimulant effect of caffeine can overexcite the nervous system, causing the muscles around the eyes to twitch.
Medical treatment for eye twitching can vary depending on the underlying cause. It’s essential to consult a healthcare provider to determine the safest and most effective treatment option, especially during early pregnancy. Some common home remedies for eye twitching during pregnancy include:
Getting enough sleep is vital for overall health, especially during pregnancy. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, prenatal yoga or simply taking a warm bath can help reduce stress and, consequently, sleep better.
If you’re having issues getting rest during the day, you may want to try the Nurture& Glider and Lumbar Pillow bundle to take your mid-day rest to the next level.
The Lumbar Pillow can also help you improve your sleep quality and increase your energy levels during the day! Having great seating furniture in your baby’s future nursery can also help you deal with other pregnancy symptoms, such as swollen feet and lower back pain.
Maintaining a balanced diet and getting all the nutrients you need is essential during pregnancy. Including potassium-rich foods like bananas and magnesium-rich foods such as spinach, nuts and seeds, in your diet can help alleviate eye twitching.
Keeping your eyes moisturized is crucial. This can be achieved with over-the-counter lubricating eye drops or artificial tears, or by placing cucumber slices on your eyelids to help reduce swelling and irritation.
To minimize eye strain, follow the 20-20-20 rule : every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away. Additionally, using an anti-glare screen can help reduce the strain on your eyes from using digital devices.
If you’ve already had your baby , and you’re still experiencing eye twitching, there are other treatment options that you can try to improve this issue. Some of these are:
Botox: Post-delivery, botox injections are a FDA-approved treatment for persistent eye twitching. This procedure involves injecting a small amount of botulinum toxin into the muscles around the eyes to temporarily paralyze them, providing relief from the twitching.
Oral medications: Certain oral medications can be prescribed to alleviate eye twitching. However, their safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be discussed with a healthcare provider.
Surgery: In rare cases in which eye twitching is severe and persistent, surgery may be considered to remove some of the muscles and nerves of the eyelids. This option is typically a last resort and should be evaluated by a specialist.
There are several safe and effective treatments available for eye twitching during pregnancy, but you should always consult a healthcare provider before trying anything to ensure your safety and the safety of your unborn baby.
While some eye problems are normal and expected pregnancy symptoms, there are other symptoms that may signal something more serious is going on. You should watch out for:
Migraines are common during pregnancy and can cause visual disturbances such as sensitivity to light and sound . If you experience migraines with visual symptoms, it’s important to discuss this with your healthcare provider.
A slight change in vision is normal during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. However, if you notice a significant alteration in your vision, it’s crucial to consult your doctor as you may require corrective lenses.
Blurry vision can be caused by hormonal changes leading to water retention, which affects the thickness and shape of the cornea. It’s essential to monitor these symptoms and consult your doctor, especially if they’re accompanied by spots or flashes of light.
These are tiny spots or lines that float in your field of vision. While they can be normal, an increase in floaters during pregnancy might be related to high blood pressure or diabetes. Regular check-ups are important to rule out these conditions.
Hormonal changes can decrease tear production, leading to dryness, irritation and discomfort. Lubricating eye drops can help, but it’s best to consult with your doctor before using any medication.
Preeclampsia is a condition characterized by high blood pressure after the first trimester, and it can cause temporary loss of vision, light sensitivity, double vision, and blurry vision. This condition requires immediate medical attention.
This is a medical condition in which fluid builds up under the retina; it can happen during pregnancy, leading to distorted or blurred vision. This condition usually resolves on its own after delivery, but it should be monitored by an eye doctor.
Remember, regular prenatal visits should include discussions about any vision changes you’re experiencing. Always consult with your doctor if you have concerns about your eye health during pregnancy.
Early detection and treatment are key to managing these conditions effectively.
You should contact your physician or eye doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:
Eye twitching that persists for a week or longer.
Difficulty opening your eyes.
Spasms that result in the closure of one or both eyelids.
Spasms that spread to other parts of the face.
Eye redness, swelling, or discharges.
Yes, twitching during pregnancy is generally normal. It’s one of the many changes the body undergoes during pregnancy and it’s usually harmless. It often resolves without treatment.
Low iron levels can indirectly cause eye twitching due to the fatigue that results from iron deficiency. In these cases, addressing the iron deficiency should help alleviate the twitching.
No, eye twitching isn’t typically a sign of a mini stroke. Mini strokes, or transient ischemic attacks, have symptoms that affect a broader range of body functions and are more serious.
If you suspect you may be having a mini stroke, seek immediate medical attention. Eye twitching is usually related to less serious conditions such as fatigue, stress, or caffeine intake.
Nurture& offers all the products you need at every stage of your pregnancy. Check out Our Journal for more tips on how to care for your and your baby’s health.